Addressing Concerns

Any member of the Tufts University community, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, or parents can report a concern if they see or become aware of a threat, intimidating conduct, or act of violence (including stalking, dating violence, and domestic violence) made by another community member or by a university vendor or contractor. Reporting observations or incidents of this nature assists the university in taking action and providing assistance to the individual in distress.

If the Situation is Urgent

Call University Police immediately at 617-627-6911 or 617-636-6911 from a campus phone.

If the Situation is NOT Urgent

Contact University Police

If you are uncomfortable contacting the University Police but still want to share information about a situation you observed, you can use one of these resources:

Email TTAM Submit a Report (Anonymous Option)

The threat assessment and management reporting system is hosted by Awareity.

After a Report

TTAM members, trained in assessing and taking action regarding threatening behavior or direct threats, evaluate the information you have provided and decide whether to further assess the community member or if another action is necessary. Translation services are available to assist in information-gathering procedures if necessary.

Threat Assessment Process

If TTAM determines that the community member’s behavior warrants intervention, the community member will be contacted with the goal of gathering information and offering resources. Read more about the Threat Assessment Process.

Contacts and Resources

Resources are available to you if you are comfortable using them. You can tell the individual who is exhibiting threatening behavior that you are concerned and ask if s/he/they need help. If they do, please contact TTAM.